keskiviikko 14. helmikuuta 2018

Hyvää ystävänpäivää!


[Hyvä = good, ystävä = friend, päivä = day]

That day least in Finnish it is day for friends.  My plans for this day are usually, nothing. Today I have cleaned my room, done some laundry, tried to figure out what I am supposed to do on couple of courses and watched "The Office". Then probably in the evening I will read book called "The single issue" from Al Hsu (Because I am sooooo dramatic ;)

2 Blues
 I just hate this day (the couple loveydoweypart), and my goal is just to make myself feel worse than I actually feel...just because I can. (I'm very mature, I know) :P And how I hate when they say: "Some day someone will come when you least expect ". Well first of all then he will never come cause I never expect less, and I don't want someone I want the one. AND making things more difficult for myself, I'm not going to do anything about the whole situation.
So dear future husband if you are reading something.

That was the rant, now done with it :) Year until next time.

Good things that has happened since last time.
I became an aunt for a very cute little girl! Best thing ever ^_^ Can't wait to meet her <3

There was this 30th anniversary Ceilidh at the church I go to and it was super fun! I just loved the dances (surprise) The band was amazing, my dance partner was great and food was tasty. I just loved it.
I have got to know some people here and they are cool :)
And I have started to draw/ pain a wee bit again.

But i think that might be all for now. I-m too lazy to write more :D
Here is some picks from last weeks.

Town House

And then there came bit snow.......not so happy about that..

And we also found James Fraser........not what we were thinking.

James Fraser..

Hyvää ystävänpäivää!  Thanks to all my friends who still are even tho I'm weird.
Love y'all <3


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